Sunday 31 July 2022


July 2022 – Beavers and Bath

Her graceful task the cottage maiden plied
Well-skilled to weave, with studded pillow set,
In meshes intricate, the snow-white net

 From The Lace Maker by James Francis Hollings 1835

I was down in Cornwall for a week at the beginning of the month with my son and his girlfriend, on a Naturetrek trip based in Falmouth – we saw adders, seal, chough and a 'feeding frenzy' of dolphins; up to 100 really close to the boat and accompanied by shearwater, diving gannets etc. A real highlight for me though was a day spent at Woodland Valley Farm near Ladock to learn about the Cornish Beaver Project. The day included a powerpoint introduction and the opportunity to examine a taxidermy specimen to feel the softness and density of the fur.

 After lunch we had a tour of the farm and beaver enclosure then returned after supper at the local pub to see the beavers themselves. The beavers were released in June 2017 and began dam building after just 2 nights. It was fascinating to see how they have been changing their environment and a really interesting and lovely way to spend a day.


We broke the journey back to Norfolk with a day in Bath and enjoyed some textile viewing at the Fashion and Costume Museum, although ironically one of the exhibits was a top hat made out of beaver skin.


After lunch on Pulteney Bridge we went to the Holburne Museum where they had an exhibition of stumpwork.  Titled Marvellous Makers, Wondrous Worlds Raised Embroidery from the 17th century this is on till September 11 and well worth a visit if you are in the area. The pieces were obviously made with great skill and have real charm to them.


Bobbin for July;

This is another of the very beautiful Ben Archer bone bobbins that I bought when I was subscribing to his Bobbin-a-Month club. It makes me smile every time I look at it. I really love those characterful caterpillars amongst the blue flowers, although I’m not so keen on their real life counterparts that can munch through the sweet peas at surprising speed… 


Cas Holmes Workshop and the Festival of Quilts

  August 2022 – Cas Holmes Workshop and the Festival of Quilts "Of many arts one surpasses all; the threads woven by the strange pow...